Real estate solutions for your real needs.

Sell Your House "As-Is" at a Fair Price

If you are getting ready to sell your current house and move on in your life, or circumstances have left you in need of a quick sale, we can help turn your real estate desires into real estate reality.

If you want to sell your house in the fastest, easiest, and most convenient manner, SolutionWorks Homes is your answer! You may have discovered the perfect solution because...we buy houses throughout the entire St. Louis region!

Seller Hotline: 314-865-2346 (recorded info line 24/7)

Still Not Convinced?...Read On!

Lots of people "want" to buy houses, but we buy houses all the time. It's what we do for a living and the people we work with feel that we do a really good job at our chosen profession. We are not realtors or brokers, so there are no extra fees that get charged when you deal with us. We’re real estate investors with real money and we are ready to spend it to buy your house at a fair price…TODAY!

We also have buyers who are waiting on houses today in almost every price range.

Our pride in this community and for helping people with their real estate needs shines through in the way we approach our clients. We understand that a home is much more than four walls and a roof. We are also very aware that every client’s situation is unique, so we take the time to custom tailor our approach to each client’s unique requirements. When you make your next move, put our experience, upbeat attitude and strong business ethics to work for you.

Whether you’re buying or selling, need a mortgage (or a second mortgage), just have a few questions or need anything else that involves real estate… our sole purpose is to be at your service. Now, through this website, we are available 24 hours a day to work tirelessly to meet your needs. We look forward to earning your trust and helping you realize your dreams. Start right here.

 Why SolutionWorks, why not list it with a realtor or sell it myself?

 We tried everything, what can SolutionWorks do?

Seller Hotline: 314-865-2346 (recorded info line 24/7)