I want to keep the house.
We want what's best for you. That’s in our best interest too! While we are not attorneys or foreclosure counselors, we do have extensive experience with national and local lenders, Missouri and Illinois foreclosure laws, and related topics, such as bankruptcy.
There are some reputable non profit agencies who may also be helpful. We refer to a select few bankruptcy attorneys, if the need arises. So we’re happy to help you examine your options and give you the resources you need to keep your home if that is your goal.
There are several key questions to ask yourself:
- What caused you to get behind on payments and could it happen again?
- Have you talked with your lender yet?
- What is the total amount you are behind, including foreclosing attorney’s fees?
- What type of loan do you have?
- Where are you in the foreclosure timeline?
- What are your financial resources? Can you borrow money to re-instate?
- Shouldyou borrow money?
- What is your current income situation? What does the future look like?
- Will your lender work with you if you don’t have all the cash tore-instate the loan?
- Do you know what your lender’s requirements are for qualifying for a repayment plan?
- Have you ever defaulted on a repayment plan with your lender?
All these questions, and more, need to be considered. When you contact us, our staff will walk you through a step by step process to help you determine your goals, determine your resources, determine your options and determine your next step.